Implementing Exhibitor Email Marketing Programs

For many events and associations who hold events, a major source of revenue is the sale of exhibition hall booths to exhibitors. However, the managers of these events at the same time tell us that they just cannot allow their exhibitors to send emails to their attendees promoting their booths.

Most site as reasons; attendee privacy concerns, the CAN-SPAM ACT of 2003 or simply complaints from some of their attendees about getting too many emails, all valid issues. Giving the attendee list to exhibitors is no longer permitted for all of the right reasons.

However, the exhibitors who pay big dollars to exhibit, and who for many years were routinely given the list of attendees, are now frustrated by the inability to maximize their marketing dollars caused by the lose of this major marketing tool – email. Many organizations spend the largest share of their marketing budgets on face-to-face events and depend on them for new business.

The cost of exhibiting at an event is more difficult to justify, even in the best of times, if the only promotional opportunities are sub-event sponsorships (i.e. lunches), ads in show apps or signage in the exhibition hall. In the second half of 2020 it may be a large impediment for some organizations trying to get back to business as usual.

There are ways to mitigate all of the issues stated above and give the exhibitors access to a major marketing tool:

  1. Allow attendees to OPT-OUT of getting exhibitor marketing emails during the registration process. This should reduce attendee complaints
  2. Designate an independent third party to send the emails and manage the attendee email data so that it remains confidential. This insures confidentiality.
  3. Guarantee that every email contains an easy OPT-OUT button per CAN-SPAM 2003 to insure attendees names are removed from the email list. Puts the attendee in control and reduces complaints.
  4. Begin the process by sending an email to all attendees explaining the program and its importance to the event and how to OPT-OUT.
  5. Limit the number of emails to two (2) per day and limit the program to 15% to 20% of the exhibitors. Reduces the total emails seen by attendees while giving exhibitors a valuable tool.

Since 2012 Event Technologies has sent millions of emails for exhibitors using the above guidelines. Many events generate a significant amount of money from these email programs while others simply offer it as part of their sponsorship packages. We are ready to discuss ways help jump start you events when the green light is turned back on.

Please contact us today at 310-581-2696 or for more information.