National Grocers Association Case Study


The National Grocers Association (NGA) is the national trade association representing the retail and wholesale grocers that comprise the independent sector of the food distrNGA Show Logoibution industry.  NGA’s mission is to ensure independent, community-focused retailers and wholesalers the opportunity to succeed and better serve the consumer through its policies, advocacy, programs and services.

Event Name

The NGA Show had 2,078 attendees and 1,112 exhibiting personnel for a total attendance of 3,190.  The exposition hosted 316 exhibiting companies.


The NGA wanted to give their exhibitors an opportunity to communicate with their attendees before and after the event.  They had offered access to the physical mailing address list (without email address) in the past, but many exhibitors were requesting access to the email list.  It was against NGA policy to share the attendee’s email addresses, so NGA was looking for a solution that would protect the attendee’s information.

NGA did not have budget to pay for this program, so the program had to break even or preferably generate revenue.  In addition, many of the NGA exhibitors would require assistance creating their emails, so there had to be an option for exhibitors to submit their content as text and images and have an email created for them.


Event Technologies created an email program incorporating all of NGA’s requirements.  The program was designed to send two emails per day over the course of 4 weeks.  However, due to an overwhelming number of exhibitors signing up for the program, we opened the schedule to send up to 5 emails per day during the final two weeks.   To keep the program on schedule and ensure exhibitor satisfaction, each exhibitor was assigned to an Event Technologies representative who worked with them to help with the creation of their email content.  About half of the emails were created with the assistance of Event Technologies using a template designed for the show.


36 exhibitors (11%) participated in the email program sending a total of 47 email blasts.  Over 40,000 emails were sent with an open rate over 25%.  NGA wanted to keep the price low for their exhibitors so they opted to only slightly increase the Event Technologies fee.  They were able to generate over $2,000 running the email program.

Client Testimonial

Thank you so much for being so great to work with as we transitioned the NGA Show exhibitors to your email service as opposed to my sharing email addresses with them.  I have only heard positive things.  You were timely, responsive and flexible and I really appreciate it.  I look forward to using Event Technologies in the future and have already recommended you to a couple of associations we partner with! 

– Karen Voorhies, National Grocers Association